We’re South Africans looking for other South Africans living overseas. We’re looking because we’re a company that loves people, especially our globe-trotting braai buddies, and because we’re in a position to help many Saffers abroad who have left SA with some financial affairs undone.
If you’re one of those who has got it all together and did everything properly to leave, congratulations!
If not, we’re here to help and want to start connecting. To assist you we’ve put together a handy checklist so that you can determine for yourself where you stand legally and financially with respect to your position in SA.
Please feel free to run through the list in your own time and evaluate yourself.
- Do you still have financial assets in SA?
- Do you still have an interest in a trust, partnership or company in SA?
- Do you still have retirement annuities, preservation funds or pensions in SA?
- Are you using SA credit cards?
- Do you still have property SA and are unsure whether to sell?
- Are you still registered for SA tax and obligated to submit returns?
- Do you have SA funds or investments you wish to transfer abroad?
- Are you expecting to be the recipient of an inheritance from SA in the future?
If you answered no to all of these questions, well done – you have everything in order! If you answered yes to any, you may still have financial responsibilities back in SA, and we are more than happy to help you finalise them.
If you would like to chat with us for free and with no obligation on your part, simply click this link https://www.finglobal.com/free-financial-report-request/ and we will give you a call at our cost.
Lets connect – lets talk…