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Living in the UK with a South African pension? Don’t miss the boat…

By April 7, 2015October 6th, 2023UK tax authorities

Living in the UK with a South African pension? Don’t miss the boat…

April 7, 2015

If you have not taken action yet, take note ……… the clock is ticking!

Right now, if you move funds from your SA pension into a UK pension, you have a good chance of not incurring any loss in the capital value of your investment. In fact, in most cases there will be an increase in capital value because of the additional bonus the UK tax authorities will provide, in the form of tax relief.

So why consider?  The UK government introduced this opportunity to encourage people to save for retirement, however it’s under review and should be acted upon sooner than later.

To make sure you do the right thing, at the right time and achieve maximum value, why not talk to us –  a consultation is completely free and without obligation.

For peace of mind let us call you

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