When emigrating from South Africa one generally leaves behind an important and valuable family heirloom – your retirement investments!
Whilst this may be exactly the right course of action for some, many are keen to switch their retirement planning into their local currency and thereby eliminate future exchange rate risk, whilst others simply require the hard cash to help them start their new life abroad: this is where the young, professional and energetic team from finglobal.com come to the rescue.
With their extensive experience and financial know how they’ve developed a branded, first-class, seamless service to extract and repatriate funds from retirement annuities and other South African domiciled investments to wherever a customer chooses, be it a local bank account in their adopted country or one of the many attractive international investment options.
No more e-mail trail, fax furlong or having to patiently queue in a faceless and overweight inbox…
The team have perfected the process to deal with the apparent impossible and make it happen. Now you can deal with a real person with a name, a face and a simple mission: to put your cash back in your pocket. Expats who’ve dealt with finglobal.com are reportedly all happy customers.
As a regulated entity they comply fully with the rules and regulations of the South African authorities and in delivering this unique service they put their professional reputations on the line with a quirky promise – we deliver. no bull.
When asking them why? “We respect our clients’ decision to live elsewhere in the world but recognise the importance of retaining that umbilical cord to their native soil… because once a South African, always a South African”