We’re arguably living in the most interesting time of all times. The technology economy, communication and access to information for real time delivery, ensured consumers’ craving for instant gratification is a baseline requirement – making the world a better place.
World recession, price of gold, outcome of the US elections and other earth shattering international events are, in reality, out of the man on the street’s control.
The good news? Despite all the happenings around us, South Africans can still come and go as they wish, people move continents – many leave South Africa for greener parts of the world and many return after years abroad. Why? Because they can and want to.
Unless you know where you’re going you’ll never get there. Emigration is not an overnight decision – it requires planning. Getting lost in bureaucratic quagmire is not difficult and costs time and money. To this end we’ve developed, what we call, the Financial Migration Plan â„¢  to take the frustration and unneccessary costs out of the prospect of starting life in a new country.
Look at it from another angle. When planning an overseas holiday one uses the services of a travel agent. So when planning to emigrate, why not engage the services of a specialist service providerwith a reputation for doing it well?
Whatever the world is coming to people will have a reason to move countries.
Thinking of coming or going? Family or friends thinking of moving? We have a reputation for doing this professionally, fast and cost-effectively. Want to talk to us?