How to make more money? Is the one common denominator people all over the world over try to get to grips with, while the right answer oftentimes is sitting right under their nose!
We’re not saying it is easy but what we do know is there are viable solutions available to South Africans living abroad.
For this reason we’ve scheduled a series of How to Grow your Wealthseminars in Australia and New Zealand starting mid-November where we’ll be partnering with Westpac Bank and Allan Gray Asset Management presenting key insights, tips and answers to the typical questions SA expats have regarding this subject. .
We’d like to invite you and other South African friends to attend these free, no obligation, seminars to learn of the opportunities available on how to effectively grow wealth when transferring South African based investments to your new home country.
To find out where and when, simply click here  to register, as seating is limited. Many years ago the New York Lotto ran a Hey, you never know campaign.Well, you’ll never know till you know.
Feel free to come have a chat and find out what we all want to know! See you there.