At we may not be able to sing but we know how to make South Africans happy…
It’s with pride and pleasure that we support and sponsor local artists to spread their wings to bring a smile of happiness, if not a little tear joy and nostalgia to the South African expat communities of the world. We enjoy making friends with the likes of Steve Hofmeyr, Nataniël and international celebrity comedian Barry Hilton, to name but a few.
We’re also one of the proud sponsors of the Afrikaans movie Pad na jou Hart – billed as South Africa’s most romantic film of the year. Gaan kyk ‘n bietjie wat mense te sê het ná die fliek!
- Steve’s on stage in the USA as we speak and then off to Australia and New Zealand in July.
To make sure your seats are booked when they’re next in your neck of the woods go have a peep at our events page