We’ve all got memories of the good old days. Back when school was brown bread sandwiches with chutney and chutney. It was an afternoon television with a test pattern. It was memorised telephone numbers instead of a quick flick of the thumb on a smartphone screen. It was the smell of shoe polish on Monday morning and a tie that was knotted once a year. It was a bad haircut from your sister. It was undone homework that earned a bruising caning, and that was worth it, because making catapults with rubber inner tubes all afternoon was just better. But more than anything, it was rugby.
Back in the day
Like medieval France and England, Spain and Portugal, our biggest rival was the school closest by. And, each winter, the bloody battle was fought. Playing in the First Fifteen for the derby was all any boy dreamed of.
In my year, the match was particularly nail-biting. The teams were very even, and every boy was playing as though it was his last game, as though his life depended on it. We fought for every loose ball, every play was crucial, and every point was cheered by a fanatical crowd of blazer wearing supporters.
It came down to the last few minutes, and we trailed by six points. In what could have been offside, but I will always remember as being a classic Springbok manoeuvre, we managed to dot the ball with seconds to spare, and the kick still to come. It all came down to this moment, and I was the kicker.
I emptied the cup of sand and placed the ball, carefully lining up the seam with the uprights. “How much time have we got, sir?” I asked the referee, who also happened to be our Deputy Principal. He looked at me stoically and said, “You can make the conversion.”
The right play
So what’s the point of the story? When you find yourself in a difficult spot, fighting for the life you’ve dreamed of, what do you do? Say you’ve taken the big step and you’re all set for emigration, do you leave your finances tied up in South Africa, or do you take your money with you? No sir, you make the conversion. And who better to help you with financial migration and retirement fund transfer abroad than the experts at finglobal.com?