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Why moving to France is good for your health

By February 27, 2017October 3rd,

Why moving to France is good for your health

February 27, 2017

If you’re lucky enough to be immigrating to France, you’ll probably be making everyone very jealous about the fine food, wine, cheese and culture you’re about to experience. But you can make them even more envious by revealing that you’re moving to a country with one of the best healthcare systems in the world.

What you need to know about the healthcare in France

Ranked number one by the World Health Organisation

France has ranked as one of the top systems for years, as per the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) reports and currently holds number one spot, followed by Italy.  As a country, it spends more on healthcare than any country in Europe and one of the reasons for its success is that it requires mandatory health insurance and consists of both private and public hospitals.

Mandatory contributions

France’s healthcare system is partially funded by obligatory health contributions placed on employees’ salaries. The government funds the other portion. When a patient accesses any healthcare, they have to pay a percentage of the medical expenses themselves.

To be eligible for healthcare you will have mandatory contributions deducted from your salary at a rate of 7.5%. This is known as the Sécurité Sociale and your employer then has to pay just over 13% of your salary to the state social security.

Accessing the healthcare system

Once you are registered for making social security contributions, you will have to carry a French health insurance card, which you need to present when you access treatment. As an expat you must register with a doctor to access treatments under the healthcare system. When you visit a doctor, you’ll be expected to pay a small amount towards your visit or treatment.

If you are a French resident, you are required by law to have medical health insurance with a recognised provider or you may take out extra health insurance that is offered by a ‘mutuelle’ to reclaim the balance of your bills. If a resident cannot afford these premiums, they can be eligible for full coverage.

This combination of state and private funding ensures that nearly everyone in France is covered, regardless of their age or social status. To be eligible for health cover in France, an expat has to:

  • Be living in France for more than 183 days per year
  • Hold a valid residency visa or permit
  • Pay contributions towards social security.

Other countries in the top 10 in the World Health Organisation’s ranking include:

  1. France
  2. Italy
  3. San Marino
  4. Andorra
  5. Malta
  6. Singapore
  7. Spain
  8. Oman
  9. Austria
  10. Japan

If you’re busy planning on immigrating to France or any other country and need advice about your financial migration, contact us today and we’ll help you on the path to financial freedom in your new home.
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