South African food is world-renowned, but we are also famous for our drinks – some of which can be enjoyed internationally, and others that are uniquely South African and best enjoyed on South African soil. If you are looking to whet your whistle, here are some South African drinks you have to try.
South African drinks
Ahh, Amarula – every South African visiting abroad receives requests for bottles of Amarula from South African expats missing their favourite tipple. Amarula is a sweet, creamy liqueur that you can enjoy on its own with a touch of ice or you can add it to your favourite coffee or drench your ice cream with it. It’s made from the fruit from the Marula tree and is even enjoyed in its ‘natural’ form by monkeys and elephants who become a little ‘tipsy’ after eating too many over-ripe Marula fruits.
A springbok shooter
This popular shooter is named after South Africa’s long-legged buck of the same name and the South African rugby team that wears the green and gold. The drink combines the colours of green and gold by layering creamy Amarula over peppermint liqueur or green crème de menthe.
Ho to make springbok shooters:
- Amarula Cream liqueur
- Peppermint liqueur
- Pour the peppermint liqueur into the bottom of each shot class
- Then drip Amarula Cream into the top of the shot glasses using a large unused medical syringe. The aim is not to mix the Amarula with the mint liqueur, so that you have the perfect combination of green and gold!
If you are into your probiotics, then you might love this thick, sour fermented milk that is believed to help digestion. Traditionally it is fermented in a gourd, but today you can buy it in a pasteurized form in the milk aisle of many South African supermarkets.
Rock Shandy
There is nothing better than sitting back and sipping a Rock Shandy on a hot summer’s day. This traditional South African drink is enjoyed with lots of ice and consists of
- Half a glass of lemonade
- Half a glass of soda water
- A dash of Angostura bitters
- You can also enjoy it with a slice of lemon.
Rooibos tea
This famous tea is now enjoyed as a health drink all over the world, but was first savoured by South Africans. The tea originates from the genistoides bush found on the Cederberg Mountains and is famous for being caffeine-free. For many South African children, it is often the first drink they enjoy after milk and it traditionally drunk black with a touch of honey or lemon.
Dom Pedros
This is the grown-up version of a milkshake and if you have never tried one, you really have to give it a go! To make a Dom Pedro:
Ho to make Dom Pedros:
- 3 cups of vanilla ice cream
- ¼ cups of Kahlua liqueur or whisky
- ½ cups of heavy whipping cream
- 1 whole flake chocolate bar or ½ cup of grated milk chocolate
Blend the ice cream until smooth and add the liqueur. Just before serving add the cream and serve in a long-stemmed glass. The chocolate flake or chocolate is optional!
No drink is more traditionally South African than African beer, which is made from mashed up maize or sorghum, malt, yeast and water. It is traditionally made by the women in the tribe and is normally drunk as soon as it is made. These days you can buy it in carton and it is often called ‘Joburg Beer’ and has a relatively low alcohol content.
If you are a South African living or moving abroad and are missing your South African drinks, but would like to know more about how you can maximise your finances through financial emigration, then contact FinGlobal today.