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The bizarre reason brides stand on the left at weddings

By September 11, 2019October 5th, 2023FinGlobal

The bizarre reason brides stand on the left at weddings

September 11, 2019


Wedding traditions around the world differ according to local customs and history. Some are followed religiously, while others are regarded as quite outdated. However, if you are planning on getting married in the new country you have emigrated to, it’s a good idea to look up what customs or practices are traditionally followed during the marriage service and consider incorporating one or two.


Why brides stand on the left

The reason for why brides stands on the left stretches back into history to the time when ‘marriage by capture’ was a common occurrence. This was because the groom needed to keep his right arm free to draw his sword in case his bride’s family came storming into the church to try and rescue her. This is also the reason why a groom has a “best man” to support him during the wedding service. The “best man” was literally the best swordsman who could help him defend his bride from anyone who might like to stop the wedding from progressing.



Wedding traditions around the world


Kidnapping the bride in Germany

The Germans have a different take on kidnapping the bride. Friends of the bride can make things more interesting by ‘kidnapping’ the bride and then they task the groom to find her. In true German tradition, ‘hunting for the bride’ often ends up in the local pub where locals can provide clues as to where the bride is hidden, as long as they are invited to the wedding. If they don’t receive an invite – then the groom needs to pick up the bar tab for everyone in the pub!


Pinning money on the bride in Cuba

In Cuba, all weddings are civil ceremonies, but they’re still very elaborate and include a special tradition called a money dance, To help the bride and groom get off to a great start in life, men who wish to dance with the bride have to first pin money on her dress. This custom is also part of wedding traditions in Poland, Greece and in certain parts of the southern United States.


Getting tied together in Thailand

In Thailand, weddings are filled with Buddhist rituals and one involves placing a traditional headpiece on the heads of the bride and groom. The headpiece is made from a single piece of string, which has been blessed by the monks. The bride and groom wear the headpiece for the entire ceremony to symbolise the bond they will have in life.


Walking on coins in Sweden

In Sweden weddings are filled with traditions, but one of the most unusual is one involving coins. The bride tucks a silver coin from her father in her left shoe and a gold coin from her mother in her right shoe. The coins are meant to symbolise hope for future prosperity for the couple.


Seeing the sunrise in France

The French love their parties and weddings usually involve dancing the night away, The traditional French wedding usually means guests dance all night long and don’t stop until it’s time to go to work the next day, or they are literally too exhausted to move.


Evoking the five senses in Peru
In Peru, traditional Andean weddings take place outdoors, where the bride and groom can really ‘ground themselves’ and find their place in nature. To assist with helping the wedding couple to harmonise with the natural world, traditions take place during the ceremony to heighten their senses. This includes burning herbs and having the shaman pour oil down the back of the necks of the bride and groom


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