Expat insights
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The South African Expat hassle
When living abroad there are thousands of kilometers between you and your South African money. Because international money transfer from ...
10 financial questions to answer if you have migrated from South Africa
Download the free guide for information on South African emigration and retirement fund transfer ...
4 tips when emigrating from South Africa
Emigration is a harrowing experience. Although you’ll undoubtedly settle in after a while, those first few months inundate you with ...
3 steps to move your SA retirement annuities
FREE GUIDE for South African Expats on how to transfer their South African retirement annuities abroad. Amended legislation of 2008 ...
November 2012: Money makes the world go round: How to grow your wealth
How to make more money? Is the one common denominator people all over the world over try to get to ...
November 2012: Is there a doctor in the house – why PPS is good for you?
As the saying goes it happens in the best of families. How many times have you heard of people travelling ...
November 2012: Are you coming or going – what is the world coming to?
We’re arguably living in the most interesting time of all times. The technology economy, communication and access to information for ...
November 2012: Movember and Sons – supporting men’s health
Changing the Face of Men’s Health is an important initiative, which at finglobal.com we take seriously. Movember is responsible for ...
November 2012: Hero of heart transplants globally – Christiaan Barnard
He became the hero the world needed: the committed, "good doctor" who could pull patients back from where they were ...
October 2012: fresh milk newsletter
Making friends with the tax man Death and taxes are two inevitable facts of life. If you have outstanding tax ...
September 2012: fresh milk newsletter
Some of our South African brethren have taken the have passport will travel expression pretty seriously. The fact of the ...
Eliminate exchange rate risk, if you can!
If you retain investments and / or receive income in a currency different to that of the country where you ...
June 2011: fresh milk newsletter
One of the most frequently asked questions we get is: "When are you coming to Australia (New Zealand, the UK, ...
March 11: fresh milk newsletter
We sat down to share our New Year's resolutions in January - Steve's first words were "I'm overwhelmed by our ...
March 2011: expats – ever tried to cash out your retirement funds from abroad?
When emigrating from South Africa one generally leaves behind an important and valuable family heirloom - your retirement investments! Whilst ...
Living in the UK with a South African pension? Don’t miss the boat…
If you have not taken action yet, take note ……… the clock is ticking! Right now, if you move funds ...
3 steps to cash-in your unclaimed policies
As a South African living and working abroad you may be owed money from unclaimed policies. The value in unclaimed South ...
Financial Emigration: Will I lose my citizenship?
This is the fair, and generally first, question people want an answer to when financial emigration comes up for discussion… The answer is no – ...
South African estate duty loophole is getting plugged!
Changes to put an end to a popular estate duty avoidance scheme are underway. An amendment to the Estate Duty ...
Jakkals prys sy eie stert…
…my Ma’t altyd gesê mens moet nooit glo wat ander mense sê en nie altyd oor jouself praat nie! Hoé ...
Sowaar as parra manel dra…
… jy’s 100% geregtig om jou Suid Afrikaanse uittree-annuïteite te ontsluit en oorsee te verplaas! Jy moet net aanstaltes maak ...